Monday, March 01, 2010

Father and Son Missions Presentations

Jonathan and his missions presentation

Richard and his missions presentation

Sunday, February 28th was a special day in that as a father and son team, Jonathan and I did a dual missions presentation at Westminster Bible Chapel. Jonathan had already been asked to speak to the English church and talk about his leading to go with Operation Mobilization for a couple of years. His plans are to join the Turning Point OM team in London to divide his time between doing their computer work and being involved in the evangelistic outreach to the Muslims of the greater London area. Lord willing he plans to leave in August.

At the same time being my last Sunday before going to Colombia for five weeks I decided to do a missions presentation to our Latino church that meets in the fellowship hall at Westminster Bible Chapel. So while Jonathan was doing his presentation in English I was doing my presentation in Spanish. I focused on LEM and its purpose to reach out to the Latinos of Los Angeles and beyond.

Was I proud? It brought to mind the scripure in 3 John 4, "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth."

We leave March 2nd for five weeks of ministry in Colombia. We return to Los Angeles on April 8th.


Bassett said...

Very nice post. =) It has been neat to read as Jon shares about going with OM.

TheBigYarhoo said...

"Was I proud?" Interesting thought...:D