Monday, August 18, 2008


Our family are now back in the USA - so we are now travelling to visit a few friends, family and churches to share about the work in LA.

We have had a great time in the first three weeks here with our kids visiting family etc. Nancye's mother's 90th birthday party went very well and we did enjoy seeing family members not seen in over 40 years!! It was fun.

We have travelled south from Auckland and now are in Palmerston North staying with friends. The drive down was quite interesting (about 7-8 hours altogether) driving through beautiful farmlands where we saw new born lambs and calves everywhere. We drove by the highest mountains in the North Island and they were covered with snow. In fact while driving through what is known as the "Desert Road" (it is high desert) there was a lot a snow everywhere but the road was clear. In fact that same road had been closed the day before so we were fortunate! We even got to drive through snow for a few minutes but not much - fun!!

We are now staying with friends and have a couple of small meetings tomorrow. On Thursday we travel on to Wellington for a long weekend and a few more meetings and meals out with friends.

Then we will be back to Lake Taupo and three weeks of real R and R on our own at a beach house that is being loaned to us. This house is right on the water's edge so the scenery is very spectacular so we look forward to that. Maybe we will catch up on a few emails there also.


billandpange said...

So... I was wondering. How many of your peanut slabs can I eat?
Missing you... hope you have a good time in Taupo - wish we could be there still!

Grace 4 Russia said...

Mmmm...peanut slabs, gotta send me one, Pange. Shh, don't tell Mum.

Minor correction: Not ALL your family is in LA. ;)

Enjoy...look forward to hearing more.