Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ministry in Los Angeles

 Latino Evangelistic Ministries exists to serve the Spanish speaking people of Los Angeles and Southern California.  This service involves preaching the gospel, planting churches, radio ministry and Emmaus Correspondence courses in Spanish.  It also has a fund that helps in the support of full-time workers in Los Angeles as well as Colombia.  To govern the activities of LEM we have a Board of Directors that meets four times a year.  The July meeting consists of a potluck meal that includes the wives of board members and then a board meeting. 

LEM Board Members

(L to R) Duane Delzer, Ariel Corral, Julio Lopez, Herbert Gentle, 
Jesus Robles, Rodney Hippenhammer (Secretary), 
Paul Luke, Richard Yarrall (Chairman), Doug Whitney (Treasurer).

These men bring a variety of skills and gifts as well as backgrounds in Mexico, Bolivia, Guatemala, Bolivia, Colombia  and other parts of the world.

 Potluck preceding the Board Meeting

1 comment:

Bassett said...

Wow! Has the board grown? I feel like it was a smaller group when I was there several years ago.

Good to read these recent updates. =)