Tuesday, May 24, 2011

JJ Vargas Church

The church where Bill and Angela work and where our old friend and first disciple in Colombia, Gilberto Vanegas is an elder, is located in the barrio (suburb) called JJ Vargas.  It was named for a certain Jose Joaquin Vargas.  Attendance at this church on a Sunday morning is usually around or above 200.  What an inspiration to be among such a group of warm and enthusiastic Bogotanos.  I was asked to preach last Sunday morning.  While in Colombia I will be preaching at a different church each Sunday.

Oscar Mora leading the Sunday morning meeting.
Part of the congregation

The oldest member of the church - Joaquin.
 Joaquin's 92nd birthday was celebrated on Sunday.  He is still very sprightly and active in serving the Lord.  He comes to church by bus.

The planning meeting on Saturday for the leaders of the various ministries.

Celebrating Arnold and Sandra's marriage.
We have known Sandra (Gilberto's daughter) since she was a baby and as we couldn't attend their wedding in January we took them out to a typical Colombian restaurant for dinner after church. 
Arnold and Sandra are very active in the church in youth ministries.

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