Wednesday, September 22, 2010

D' ye ken Shetland (Do you know Shetland)

This view was from the living room of home in which we stayed.  
It was great to see the changing views of the voe with sun, overcast sky, rain and storms.
With all the voes no part of Shetland is more than 3 kms. from the sea. 
On the surrounding hills are the crofts.
Shetlanders are said to be fishermen (seamen) with a farm.

These croft houses were typically small with a fire in the middle of the room.
The room was hearted by a peat fire.
Attached to the house was a barn and a byre (a shed for the animals). 

 Lerwick is the capital of Shetland and was built centuries ago.  
It is right on the port and very much oriented to the sea - fishing and now the oil industry.

The Viora was finally launched in 2009.  It was built by our friend and host Jim Johnson.
Jim was formerly an engineer on a tugboat, but in his spare time builds boats and equipment for fishing boats.  Our visit was complete with a trip down the voe to the Atlantic Ocean, as on our past visits in 2002 and 2006 we saw the boat at different stages of construction.

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