Fruit stand in the entrance of supermarket

Street vendor on sidewalk outside supermarket

Pitaya, beautiful fruit from a cactus plant,
developed commercially in the last 20 years.
developed commercially in the last 20 years.

Typical Colombian meal
Bill, Angela and Nancye - Ajiaco (potato soup)
Richard - sancocho (vegetable and chicken soup)
along with chicken, rice and salad

We are staying with Bill and Angela just across a main road from the supermarket. It is very convenient. The church, JJVargas, where they work is a few blocks away. I had my first meeting there last Wednesday. It was good to be back with old friends, including some we have known for 39 years. One thing has changed for us in Colombia. We arrived knowing no one in 1970, now we have friends all over the country. What a warm people the Colombians are. We are enjoying their hospitality. Today we will be spending the day with the extended Vanegas family. We helped teach them the Bible 38 years ago when they first trusted the Lord. What a joy to see over 20 in the extended family following the Lord and dedicated to His service.
Ooh! That fruit looks interesting. =)
Glad you're getting to see old friends there in Bogota and around Colombia.
Dad, I love how you bring out the best in people when you take their photograph! Poor Bill... :D
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