The wedding of Travis Griffiths-Bell to Alisha Peden (Richard's grand niece) took place at 3.00 pm in the Lye Bird Falls Reception center, Kallista, in The Dandenong Mountains some 20 kms. east of Melbourne. It was an outdoors wedding set in a garden surrounded by bush (blue gums and tree ferns). The reception took place indoors as evening fell.

Travis and Alisha

Travis and Alisha with the parents - Janette and Alan Peden, James (L) and Adele (R).

The extended family composed of Lindseys and Yarralls.

Lyn and Margaret Lindsey - Alisha's proud grandparents.

Dior Ramohitaj, Alisha's cousin, was the ring bearer. He was soooo excited about being included.
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thanks for posting these!
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