Thursday, July 05, 2007

Cologne to Los Angeles

After the conference ended in Wiedenest I stayed on and had a couple of very quiet days. I purposely allowed a few extra days just to walk in the countryside and do a little thinking and meditating in preparation for my return to Los Angeles. There were only about 20 of the conference delegates left and little by little they departed on the Monday and Tuesday. By Tuesday evening there were only eight of us left.

Tuesday was an early start. A student from the Wiedenest Bible Institute took me to the airport leaving at 5.45 am. My flight for Heathrow, London, left Cologne at 8.35 am. Cologne is a quieter airport with Frankfurt to the south being much bigger and busier. I thought I may have encountered more delays at Heathrow, but no. Security was tight and strict but moved along pretty quickly. After an hour and a half in London it was a 10 hour flight to Los Angeles, flying over, Iceland, Greenland and Canada. It was interesting seeing Greenland with snow and ice and then with a clear demarkation give way to the tundra vegetation and small lakes.

Nancye met me at Los Angeles and it was then home to relax. The family was all somewhere else celebrating the 4th of July, Independance Day. We celebrated at home!

Later I will try and post a few photos of the conference.


Unknown said...

How wonderful for you to have the chance to spend some time in Germany! I remember well my time there. It was a time of sweet memories.

I will be going to India again next November (7-22, 2008).

I really enjoyed having Tom, Norma, and little Jaye with me. They are wonderful people and any time you need housing for them, I am available.

Love to all! Can't wait to see Leslie, Debbie, and the kids!!! Do you know if you are having a grandson or granddaughter yet???

Love you!


Bassett said...

Are you going to update this thing and tell us about your conference in the big trees? Maybe a photo or two? =)