Saturday, March 31, 2007


Here we are again in Bucaramanga after two days of travel and one day here. It seemed to take a long time getting here having spent one night in Miami and then 5 hours in the airport in Bogotabefore coming on here to B/manga arriving at 7.30 in the evening. While in the airport in Bogota we had lunch with Gilberto from the church in Bogota and we spent about 4 hours chatting with him and catching up which was great. We were given a warm welcome with Marcia and one of our "old" young people there to meet us!! He was in the young people's group when we lived here but that is 20 years ago so now I guess he is 40!! It is good to be back but we see many changes not only with people but the city has grown immensely and the apartments where we used to live now seem so old.

We are staying with Marcia in the same block of apartments where we used to live and that seems strange - one or two families still live here and remember us! Dick went walking yesterday down the street where we once lived also and one old neighbour greeted him with "hola Don Ricardo" which was interesting.

We had our first meeting last night and it was good catching up with old friends then. We have meetings programmed for most days while we are here and going to a different home each day for lunch, which is the main meal here. Quite a few of the folk that were here when we lived here have moved away to other cities so we will miss them.

The weather is being kind to is the rainy season so quite a bit cooler and not quite so humid so that makes Nancye happy!!

Until the next episode......


billandpange said...

Very fun... wish I was with you!
Don't forget to upload pictures too :)

TheBigYarhoo said...

The house is lonely. Quiet. Creaky. I'm beginning to think I'm hearing things at times. Um...what else can I say about you guys not being here. I guess I'm missing you.

Anonymous said...

Nice to hear of your goings on . Food sounds good. Keep writing. W & S