Sunday, December 30, 2012

Evangelical church in Khon Kaen

Little evidence is seen of the evangelical church in the north east of Thailand.  The people are very Buddhist, traditional and dominated by the spirit world.  However, it was encouraging to visit a small Baptist Church in Khon Kaen on Sunday morning and see young people on fire for the Lord.  That was evidenced in their prayers, singing and attention to the preaching.  There were about 20 present made up of late teenagers and some in their 20's.
Baptist Church in Khon Kaen

Young people in attendance

Pastor and music leader

Pastor preaching

Young people outside church after service
Leslie and his work mate, Amp, from the car wash.  

Royal Thailand

Archway in honour of King and Queen

Thailand is a kingdom.  Every where you go in public there is evidence of the royal family with archway and shrines int heir honour.  Thailand is proud of its history in that it is a nation that has never been colonized by a superior nation.

Entrance to a neighbourhood

Wall hanging in airport inhonour of king

Friday, December 28, 2012

Buddhist Thailand

Nine Storey Wat (Temple)

Nine Storey Wat

Nine Storey Wat


Entrance to Wat

Guilded Buddha

Orchestra with traditional instruments  (Dulcimer)

Gourd like instrument played like a violin


Adornments to Wat

Overlooking lake and Khon Kaen

Monks have to eat too!

Monks need taxis

Monks accommodation

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Modern Thailand

Modern Home Decorating Store  "DoHome"

Check out

Wall of just extractor fans to cool the store

Everything in the Store


Toys and Stationery

Traditional Thailand

Traditional stores

Narrow streets and overrun with scooters

How's that for power lines!

Paddy (Rice) fields

Road side fruit stall

Food stall at night market

Fruit and Vegetable stall

Thai noodles
More food at Night Market

Public Transport!

Always a shrine to ward off evil spirits

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Family Fun


 Leslie, Sydney, Richard, Lillie, Eva, Nancye, Misha and Debbie

Chalk art

Family photo

Kids admired
 The two red haired girls are always admired by the Thais as their coloring is so different.
Hanging our with the grandchildren

Always up to something!

Misha with remote controlled car

Buddha - Temples - Monks

Coming to Thailand one can't but think of the darkness that exists when the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ is absent.  Jesus said, "If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!  Matthew 6:23.  But Paul added in 2 Corinthians 4:6, "For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."  May the work of gospel preaching speed on in Thailand to illumine those in darkness.

Everywhere Buddhism prevails in Thailand with temples, shrines, amulets, witchcraft, superstition and people who live in fear of demons.    Here are some examples.
Giant Buddha

Other idols

Shrine in hotel grounds

Shrine beside factory

Monks receiving food

Monks praying for homes and families to keep demons away