Sunday, July 30, 2006

Last Sunday

Today was our last day with the folk at Westminster. We had some good meetings and the elders prayed with Nancye and me for our trip. Friends have taken us out for lunch and dinner so it is just as well we were all packed and ready to go!!
We leave the house at 5a.m. on Monday and then we have some 30 hours before we reach Novosibirsk with layovers in Chicago, Frankfurt and Moscow so it will be a long day/days.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

65th birthday dinner

We were all invited over to Bill and Angela's for dinner to celebrate 'in advance" Dick's 65th birthday which will actually take place while we are in Novosibirsk! Guess he will get to celebrate a couple of times as I'm sure the grandchildren will want a party too :-)

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Well, I guess the "count down" is on and now it is only 6 days for those who are interested! I know Jonathan isn't too happy about the meals his mother WONT be cooking for him, but he did give me a shopping list of all the foods he would like to be around the house for him - not all the healthy kind either.
We are pleased Jon has gotten through his first month of the intensive computer studies he is doing and is now a qualified "Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer: Security". Sounds impressive, but not sure if I know what it all means. All I know is that he has studied really hard so far and we are proud of him! This week he has started on studies with Cisco or something so it is going to be another few weeks of full-on studies for him.
It has been so HOT here for the last week we are looking forward to cooler temperatures in Novosibirsk and then the UK so I hope they live up to their reputation as I can't take much more of this heat and sleeping on the sofa in the family room which is the only room with air conditioning!!
See you all again soon........

Saturday, July 22, 2006


Only 9 days until we embark on our journey to Russia and Scotland. Check back here for updates on our adventures!